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Our History



Our church had its unique and interesting beginning by a group of humble Christian Pioneers who decided to organize a Bible Study-Discussion Group, meeting in each other's homes.  Their efforts were realized both spiritually and numerically when attendance increased and more space was needed to exercise and revere their faith in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


The first service, a Prayer Circle, began “under a Cherry Tree, “ which grew into a shelter called a “Bush Arbor,” on a hill off the Old Oxford-Virgilina Road. (This was located on Preacher Jim Royster’s Plantation)

About 1892, these Christians constructed a log building on this site, which they called Saint Matthew Baptist Church. For a number of years, people traveled up the hill to attend services. Inclement weather made it difficult for wagons and even for walkers to make it up the hill. Members probed the church leaders to proclaim a more suitable site for a new church.

Preacher Jim Throckmorton offered them “any site of their choice,” on his plantation, “beyond his tobacco pack-house,” for the new church. March 16, 1907, Trustees of the St. Matthew Baptist Church presented $25.00 for 1 acre of land (present site of the St. Matthew Church Cemetery) as recorded in the Granville County Register of Deeds Book #6 page 41.


John Henry Curtis, Sr., a carpenter, was given the church building contract. He designed the plans and supervised the members who helped to build the church. This edifice was dedicated as inscribed on the cornerstone, April 11, 1909, by Rev. D. D. Jones, Pastor.

In 1926, our church became affiliated with the County Line Missionary Baptist Association. Other affiliations included the Granville County Missionary Union, General Baptist State Convention of NC, Inc., National Baptist Convention, et. Al.

Rev. H. H. Hoskins arrived in 1935. Our church continued to struggle but grew and flourished under his apostleship. He persuaded the congregation to purchase a lot, with the hope and dream of “erecting a beautiful edifice to grace this property and community.” January 16, 1948: Trustees of Saint Matthew Baptist Church, Henderson Chandler, Robert Brooks, Henry Thorp, and Shep Ragland, paid $10.00 to T. W. Chandler and his wife, Mary W.

Chandler for 2 acres of land (present site of church) Recorded in Register of Deeds Book #123 page 473. (8604 Hwy 96 N. Oxford, NC)

A new building was erected, and members completed the interior under the supervision of the above-named church trustees, along with Robert Maddocks, Thornton Jones, and Lucious Downey, Sr. In 1950, when dedication took place, “the congregation assembled in the old edifice and marched to songs” across the road to the new church, led by Rev. H. H. Haskins, Pastor.” The church was brick-veneered in 1963. Rev. Hoskins’ tenure was from 1935 to 1965, 30 years.

In 1965, under the guidance and direction of Rev. Moses Hardy, it was evident to everyone concerned that our facilities were inadequate and incomplete; so it was now expedient to formulate goals and plans to alleviate these conditions and comply with the need. Church organizations initiated many programs to raise funds for building renovations, thus the beginning of the growing “building fund.” Rev. Hardy had a 25-year tenure, from 1965 to 1990.

Reverend Quinton A. Alston became our shepherd in January of 1991. He served until May 1996. Under his tutor ledge, we expanded services to four (five) Sundays per month, established a St. Matthew Constitution and Bylaws committee, and continued on the quest for a new edifice.

In June 1996, Reverend Jimmie L. Johnson became our new Pastor. Under his tutor ledge, our Constitution and Bylaws were completed and ratified and established a travel committee. Rev. Johnson's tenure was from 1991 to 2000.


Reverend Ida B. Black served as interim pastor from 2000 to 2001. She continued to teach and preach the word.


Reverend Gregory J. Webb, Sr. accepted the call to pastor the St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church, preaching his first sermon as pastor on the 4th Sunday in November 2001. Currently, under his leadership, the church has incorporated into a non-profit organization, established the St. Matthew Mentor Program, revived the Baptist Training Union (BTU), formed a praise team, started a Single Mother's Ministry, expanded “Children's Hour” to

four Sundays, established an Outreach Ministry, a Youth Ministry, and a Nursing Home Ministry, given out Thanksgiving Turkey Boxes, received a grant for a park and picnic shelter, held a tent revival, purchased vans and land to expand and seen our vision of a new sanctuary to completion.  Rev. Webb served from 2001 to 2022.


From November 2022 to November 2023, Rev. Daphne J. Allen assumed the role of interim pastor.  She continued to preach the word, winning souls to Christ.


On the fourth Sunday in November 2023, Rev. Michael A. Martin, Sr. was called as pastor to lead our flock.


By the grace of God, our church continues to grow.


Our former Pastors, consecutively, Reverends Haywood Lyons, John Sanford, D. D. Jones, John Daly, Caesar Smith, J. T. Peace, H. H. Harris, Samuel Harris, P. E. Green, H. H. Hoskins, Batt D. Green, H. H. Hoskins, Moses Hardy, Quinton A. Alston, Jimmie L. Johnson, and Gregory J. Webb, Sr.

We proudly recognize those ministers with roots in our church family, including Ida Bumpass Black, Willie Yancey, Leo Thorpe, J. Phillip Betts, Dorothy Bumpass Goodman, Margaret Paige Daniel, Nadine Reed Watson, Patricia Y. Downey, Gloretta Yancey McNeil, Joanne Bumpass Fields, Mary Yancey Reed, Susie Yancey Gooch, Willard Yancey, Terry L. Yancey, Mona Dunton Parker, Joe Louis Bumpass, Herbert Stovall, Zollie Bagby, Ronnie Betts, Reginald Royster, Annie M. Ragland, Dwight Brooks, Michael Brooks, Joyce Betts Wiggins, Detroit Yancey, Larry Yancey, Babygirl H-R Jones, William D. Jones, Anita Thorpe McDaniels, Chad Downey and the late Josalyn H. Downey, Willie Lee Jenkins, James W. Royster, John Stovall, Sanford Throckmorton and David Reed. May we ever grow closer each day, and in all things, Always Giving God the Praise.

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Church Address

St. Matthew Missionary Baptist Church, INC.


PO Box 686

Oxford, NC 27565


8604 Highway 96 N

Oxford, NC 27565


Phone: 919-693-1303


Service Times

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School - 9:00 AM

Worship Service - 10:00 AM

Wednesday Nights

Bible Study - 6:45 PM

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